Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Physicist Madalina Furis WOWs Students

The laser apparatus 
Setting-up the 3D cameras
"Wow- there I am in 3D!" This was something that was heard over and over again last week as students entered the Enrichment Room and saw themselves on the big(ish) screen set up in the front of the room. Physicist Madalina Furis, a professor from the University of Vermont, took time out of her very busy schedule to spent the entire school day meeting with just about every class. Her assistant David Hammond showed up bright and early to set up the three dimensional cameras and the laser. Dr. Furis used the laser and cameras to help her explain the work she does studying light. Although the concepts were high level, Dr.Furis did a wonderful job explaining about her research on a level students could understand. Dr. Furis also talked about her life as a scientist and how one gets to her level of expertise. She left students with this thought- "If you become a physicist you will always work with people that are smarter than you, and this is a wonderful thing!" Thanks again to Anita de Waard for helping us get Dr. Furis and all of the other great scientists in this year, the scientist in residence program has been a great success.

Live weather 3/6

March 6th from David Bouchard on Vimeo.